the first african in space
the crew
Flying The SA Colours
When the work is over, we play around, and the photographers had a surprise for us on this flight. It was great to fly WITH the SA flag in weightlessness.
Flying The SA Colours
Floating with the Flag
Floating with the Flag
Green and gold
Green and gold
Getting the hang of this
Getting the hang of this
Wall to Wall Cosmonauts
Wall to Wall Cosmonauts
Ilyushin Parachute Parade
Ilyushin Parachute Parade
Parachute Parade
Parachute Parade
Weightless Mass Training
Weightless Mass Training
Pass The 50kg Parcel
Pass The 50kg Parcel
Weightless Mechanics
Weightless Mechanics
Suiting up in Zero-G
Suiting up in Zero-G
Donning a Space Suit in Weightlessness
Donning a Space Suit in Weightlessness
Suited, Sealed and In A Spin
Suited, Sealed and In A Spin
Vso Xorosho!
Vso Xorosho!
Spacesuit Windmill
Spacesuit Windmill
Zero-G Crew Photo
Zero-G Crew Photo
Flying The SA Colours
Flying The SA Colours
Flying The Flag
Flying The Flag
Zero-G Cosmonauts
Zero-G Cosmonauts
High flyers
High flyers
Geared up
Geared up
Lifting Weightless Weights
Lifting Weightless Weights
Buranov and Boris
Buranov and Boris
buranov and the instructor
buranov and the instructor
holding onto the floor
holding onto the floor
gearing up
gearing up
Inside the hold
Inside the hold
karen and the team
karen and the team
Which way up, Boris?
Which way up, Boris?
Wall To Wall Flying
Wall To Wall Flying
Landing Countdown to 05:51 05 May

Landing Complete!

The Team
Mark Shuttleworth
Dale Cupido
Karen Sharwood
Lara Keytel
Danie Barry
Freddy Khan
Vaughan Oosthuizen
Ravi Naidoo
Vuyo Dwane
Richard Mills
Nicolette Cronje
Wayne Derman
Peter Ribton
photos of earth
soyuz training
after the mission
black sea training
bolshoi unsorted gallery
star city
russian sights
medical testing
space technology
international space station
winter survival training
crew photographs
photo of the day gallery
before the launch
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Church of Jesus Christ

Zero-G Heart Rate Data

Next-generation Soyuz TMA Cockpit

Mig-25 Afterburners