the first african in space
the crew
The Vomit Chair
Mark endures a tough Russian vestibular test in which he has to endure ten minutes in a rotating chair, all the while moving his head in a regular rhythm, as scientists monitor his heart rate, breathing, sweating and blood pressure. Nasa does not do any vestibular training.
The Vomit Chair
Strapped In, Ready to Roll
Strapped In, Ready to Roll
Navigator's View
Navigator's View
Up And Over
Up And Over
Orthostatic Testing
Orthostatic Testing
Orthostatic Testing
Orthostatic Testing
The Centrifuge Capsule
The Centrifuge Capsule
Apollo Capsule in Houston
Apollo Capsule in Houston
EVA Pool, Houston
EVA Pool, Houston
Russian Lifeboat
Russian Lifeboat
Ballooning Over Russia
Ballooning Over Russia
Test Pilot School
Test Pilot School
Mig-29 Cockpit
Mig-29 Cockpit
Mig-25: Nearly Sub-Orbital
Mig-25: Nearly Sub-Orbital
Soyuz TM Cockpit
Soyuz TM Cockpit
Soyuz Launch
Soyuz Launch
Space Toilet
Space Toilet
Mir Training Mockup
Mir Training Mockup
Next-generation Soyuz TMA Cockpit
Next-generation Soyuz TMA Cockpit
Sim In Session
Sim In Session
Barochamber Run
Barochamber Run
EVA Training Mockup of Pirs
EVA Training Mockup of Pirs
Weightless Mass Training
Weightless Mass Training
Pass The 50kg Parcel
Pass The 50kg Parcel
Donning a Space Suit in Weightlessness
Donning a Space Suit in Weightlessness
Cockpit Views
Cockpit Views
Submarine space walking
Submarine space walking
The Vomit Chair
The Vomit Chair
Manual control
Manual control
Soyuz Capsule on Deck
Soyuz Capsule on Deck
Shiny Metal Things
Shiny Metal Things
Mir Mockup Detail
Mir Mockup Detail
The Hydrolab
The Hydrolab
Hydrolab, Star City
Hydrolab, Star City
Cosmonaut in a Spin
Cosmonaut in a Spin
Cockpit View
Cockpit View
Simulator Control Center
Simulator Control Center
Older Soyuz Simulator
Older Soyuz Simulator
Docking Simulator
Docking Simulator
Soyuz Simulator
Soyuz Simulator
Cockpit View
Cockpit View
Cramped Crew
Cramped Crew
Landing Countdown to 05:51 05 May

Landing Complete!

The Team
Mark Shuttleworth
Dale Cupido
Karen Sharwood
Lara Keytel
Danie Barry
Freddy Khan
Vaughan Oosthuizen
Ravi Naidoo
Vuyo Dwane
Richard Mills
Nicolette Cronje
Wayne Derman
Peter Ribton
space technology
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after the mission
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Church of Jesus Christ

Zero-G Heart Rate Data

Next-generation Soyuz TMA Cockpit

Mig-25 Afterburners