mission HQ
about mark
iss sightings
Smoke Signals
One of the ways we can signal our landing site is with the smoke signals seen here. It's especially useful on the ocean or in a winter landscape, when the orange provides a useful contrast with the ground. Not much use in the Kalahari, I imagine.
Zero-G Cosmonauts
Yuri and Mark in the cosmonaut gym
Winter Campfire
Mig-25 Afterburners
Frank de Winne's at Pool Again
Unidentified Ice Injury
Space Fashion Parade
Flying The Flag
Flying The SA Colours
Zero-G Crew Photo
Spacesuit Windmill
Vso Xorosho!
Suited, Sealed and In A Spin
Donning a Space Suit in Weightlessness
Suiting up in Zero-G
Weightless Mechanics
Pass The 50kg Parcel
Weightless Mass Training
Geek In Training
Interactive Africa in the ISS
Space Food Specialists
Campfire Stories
Zero-G Heart Rate Data
Igor Rudyaev
Clifton Beach, Cape Town
Vaughan Oosthuizen
Ravi Naidoo
Freddy Khan
Nasa's nook
Entrance to Training
Swimming hole
Chilly route
The Prophy
Training centre
Lara Keytel
Igor Rudyaev
Dale Cupido
Richard Mills
Karen Sharwood
Mark Shuttleworth
Zero-G Training Heart Rate
Dale Cupido, International Man of Mystery
Karen Sharwood
Karen S and Dale C
Dale Cupido... Callsign 'Gladiator'
Hangin' around
The dreaded arm ergo
Yuri and Mark
Space Fashion
Wall to Wall Cosmonauts
Getting the hang of this
Green and gold
Floating with the Flag
Lifting Weightless Weights
Lost At Sea
Floating Cosmonauts
Up, Up and Away
Rigging the Crane Cables
Climbing into the Soyuz
Heat Exhaustion
Boarding The Soyuz
Ready To Board
Bobbing on the Black Sea
Up And Away
Soyuz Capsule on Deck
Smoke on the Water
Choppy Seas, Sick Cosmonauts
Through the doorway ...
In Training
Seats 3 ... just
Soyuz Sardines
Space Cadet in Training
Soyuz Cockpit Training
step 1: graft
iss training
the iss explained
Buranov and Boris
buranov and the instructor
holding onto the floor
heart-monitoring equipment
Ilyushin Parachute Parade
gearing up
Inside the hold
karen and the team
Ready To Board
Smoke Signals
Pistol Shot
Ballooning Over Russia
View From The Top
Like Father, Like Son
Test Pilot School
Mig-29 Cockpit
Mig-25: Nearly Sub-Orbital
IMBP Doctors
Soyuz TM Cockpit
Soyuz Launch
Space Toilet
Cosmonaut Crouch
Mir Training Mockup
Next-generation Soyuz TMA Cockpit
Sim In Session
Barochamber Team
Barochamber Done
Barochamber Run
EVA Training Mockup of Pirs
Roman Sorokin
Prophy Dinners
Bolshoi Ballet Dreams!
The Bolshoi Theatre
SA Ambassador to Russia
Crew Toast
Ready, Aim, Fire
Forest Flares
Boots and All
Which way up, Boris?
Wall To Wall Flying
Up And Over
Into The Capsule
Hackers Unite
Cosmonaut Lumberjacks
Stacking Snow Blocks
Boy Scouts
Where There's Smoke...
Winter Fatigues
Russian Lifeboat
Kremlin Sunset
It's a Bra!
The Centrifuge Capsule
Wires Everywhere
Maximum G's
Heartbeat At 8 G's
Strapped In, Ready to Roll
Bleed 'Em Dry
Navigator's View
EVA Pool, Houston
Synchronised Swimming
Diving in the NBF
Neutral Bouyancy Laboratory, Houston
Apollo Capsule in Houston
Orthostatic Testing
Orthostatic Testing
Breath Deeply
Heart Rate Monitoring
Parachute Parade
Smiles of Relief
This Side Up
Cosmonaut Quarters
Landing Countdown to 05:51 05 May
Landing Complete!
The Team
Mark Shuttleworth
Dale Cupido
Karen Sharwood
Lara Keytel
Danie Barry
Freddy Khan
Vaughan Oosthuizen
Ravi Naidoo
Vuyo Dwane
Richard Mills
Nicolette Cronje
Wayne Derman
Peter Ribton
bolshoi unsorted gallery
photos of earth
soyuz training
after the mission
black sea training
bolshoi unsorted gallery
star city
russian sights
medical testing
space technology
international space station
winter survival training
crew photographs
photo of the day gallery
before the launch
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Church of Jesus Christ
Zero-G Heart Rate Data
Next-generation Soyuz TMA Cockpit
Mig-25 Afterburners
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